The official tax-exempt purpose of the ISB Network Foundation is to “promote and encourage philanthropy and cultural exchange between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand.”
The primary activities of the ISB Network Foundation that support its charitable mission are the annual ISB Network Alumni Achievement Award and a donation towards a scholarship pool.
The ISB Network Alumni Achievement Awards consist of a scholarship of $1,500 awarded each year to a deserving ISB graduating senior, whom a committee of ISB Faculty chooses. The Award recipient donates the scholarship proceeds to his/her choice of several ISB-approved Thai charities. In 2018, the Board of Directors agreed to donate the Scholarship pool $3,000 instead of the $1,500 that was donated in the past. Beneficiaries of these funds are chosen by the graduating senior who selects a philanthropic organization to receive the funds from our Foundation.
Together with the ISB Network, the ISB Network Foundation also serves as the U.S.-based arm of the ISB Alumni Association, maintaining a website, database and archive, and organizing a reunion every two years to locate and reconnect long-lost friends from ISB.
A copy of the Foundation’s financial statement is available upon request by writing to the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs at the following address:
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Consumer Protection
Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs
PO Box 526
Richmond, VA 23218-0526
Phone: (804) 786-1343