Visit the ISB Network Alumni Association Facebook page here. See current posts and information presented by your classmates! If you are not currently a member of the ISB Network Alumni Association Facebook page apply today!
Would you like to become a member of the ISB Network? See the new “Thai Restaurant Flyer” for details!
The ISB Network Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501 C-3 organization comprising members who are devoted to serving the International School Bangkok, its alumni and students, and the Kingdom of Thailand. We are dedicated to bringing ISB alumni together to maintain and support the unique relationships and experiences that tie us together and keep us connected to our time at ISB and in the beautiful Kingdom of Thailand.
We were founded in 1983 by a handful of alumni from the classes of ’73, ’72 and ’71 who just wanted to get together and have a reunion! From a humble list of about 100 names and addresses, interest grew to include other classes who wanted to participate in the reunions and today that list stands at more than 6100…and growing! Help us expand our list by joining the ISB Network today!
We are ISB alumni serving ISB, its alumni and students, and the Kingdom of Thailand. Every two years, we sponsor and host the ISBN All Classes Reunion where alumni come together to celebrate our history and re-connect with old and new friends from ISB. We also support and maintain the ISB Network website and a database of alumni and ISB Network members. We are also proud to sponsor and fund the “ISB Network Scholarship and Community Service Award.” Established in 2002, these awards provide a total of $4500 annually to ISB. $3000.00 is donated to the ISB Network Scholarship general fund so that the school can distribute as they feel fit. $1500.00 is given to the school as a Community Service Award. The school in turn awards the monies to a deserving student of Thai heritage. The student then donates the money to Thai charities of their choice.
The ISB Network considers you an alumni if you attended ISB—even if only one semester! You need not have graduated to become a member of the ISB Network and participate in our activities.
The ISB Network is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors (BOD) who do not receive payment for their time and effort. The BOD welcomes feedback from ISB Network members and alumni at anytime and we also hold an open meeting during the All Classes ISB Network Reunion to report out on our work and answer questions. While the BOD works hard, we need your talent and support! If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the BOD, or work with any of the BOD members, please contact us.
Ever wonder “where are they now?” Find out! Chances are your long lost friends are in our database and if they aren’t, let us know so we can work to find them. To search for your friends, go to the Alumni Directory.
The ISB Network is pleased to sponsor a mentorship program that links professional and other expertise of our alumni with other alumni looking to develop skills in those areas. Fill out the mentor/networking section of your account to join the mentor networking program and use the mentor/networking search function.
The ISB Network Foundation is supported by dues paid by our members. The dues allow us to maintain the website, sponsor specific events during the All Classes Reunion, and sponsor the “ISB Network Scholarship and Community Service Award.” You don’t have to be a member to be in our Alumni Directory or to attend the reunions, but your support is appreciated. To learn more about membership click join here.You can become a Sustaining Member by paying 10 years or more of membership in advance ($300 as of 1/1/2021). Special benefits include a 15% discount and free shipping from The Shack, special recognition on the ISB Network website, and recognition at the Reunion. Click Here To See The List Of Sustaining Members
Class Reps are your liaison to the ISBNETWORK. Click here to see the list of Class Reps!
The board of directors is made up of ISB Network members currently spanning from 1967-1984. We currently are developing a succession plan for all the roles. To find out more about these positions or to apply for a board seat, please email us at: Administration (at) isbnetwork (dot) com. To find out how to contact the people responsible for keeping things running here at the ISB Network, (Please visit the Contact page for help in contacting board members.)
Kathy Beaird – Class of 1976
Vice President
Suzanne Cano Meeker – Class of 1984
Michele Remmers Lockwood – Class of 1967
Treasurer/Director of Membership
Cindy Hunt Leach – Class of 1980
ISBN Director to Thailand
Sara Worley De Morales – Class of 1985
Director of Communications
Kate Boslet – Class of 1973
Director of Outreach
Becky Byers Quirsfeld – Class of 1969
Director of Reunions
Teresa Martin – Class of 1973
Director of Technology
Rao Vedurumudi – Class of 1975
Director at Large
Chris Hunt – Class of 1981
Director at Large
Alicia Beaird Hutchison – Class of 1980
Director at Large
David Elder – Class of 1969